Friday 1 April 2016

P4 Elearning Day 2016

Complete the following:


1) Click and read the Conjunction Powerpoint.

2) Complete the Conjunction worksheet in google forms here.


1) Click on each of the titles in blue below to watch these Symmetry Videos:
Real Life Math
Intro to Symmetry
2) Click and watch this Activity on How to cut symmetrical insect designs. (Click here)
3) Follow the instructions on the video on how to make symmetrical insect designs.

  • Fold a piece of paper into half. The line of symmetry is where the paper is folded.
  • Design and draw half the outline of an insect on one half of the paper. Make sure the line of symmetry is in the centre of your picture.
  • Cut along the outline of the insect. DO NOT cut along the fold.
  • Unfold the paper and see what insect you have created.

4) Create at least 2 insect shapes and bring them to class for sharing on next Monday.


1) Log into MCOnline
2) On the left, click on My Assignments
3) Complete the Assignment

  • Read the powerpoint slides in MCOnline about fungi
  • Complete a Miniquiz
  • Read the articles on Fungus, Moulds and Penicillin to extend your learning.
Please read the following instructions and complete the work based on your Mother Tongue language (Chinese, Malay, Tamil).

1) 打开微软简报:四年级看图作文简报 (Open the PowerPoint slides)

2) 参考图一和图二的例子(Look at Picture 1 and 2 and read the examples given)
3) 看完后,下载并打开文档:四年级看图作文《恶作剧》Composition Question Read through the slides.Then download and open the Word document here: 四年级看图作文《恶作剧》Composition Question
4) 利用六何法,完成图三、四的六要素,并完成文章(Using the 5W 1H method, complete the composition) 你可以选择输入在文档中,保存后,再电邮 给华文老师(Pupils can choose to type the answer directly in the word document, save it and email to their teacher. You can email the teachers through mconline or find the email on the school website.)

1. Log on to MC Online
2. Watch the 3 video clips linked :
Lihat klip video cerita ‘Nujum Pak Belalang’. Fahami jalan cerita tersebut.

Nujum Pak Belalang Bahagian 1 :
Nujum Pak Belalang Bahagian 2 :
Nujum Pak Belalang Bahagian 3 :

3. Pupils are to refer to their Malay Language notes based on Malay Proverbs. Pupils are to give opinion on the story that they have watch. Referring to 30 proverbs which they have been taught, they are to select which Malay Proverb is suitable to any part of the story. Pupils to explain further on why they choose the proverbs. Then, pupils to collate what they have discussed in Google doc in a table form which will be provided by the teacher.

Fikirkan peribahasa-peribahasa yang sesuai dan boleh digunakan untuk mana-mana bahagian dalam cerita ‘Nujum Pak Belalang’. Selepas perbincangan, kamu dikehendaki untuk menulis jawapan kamu di lembaran kerja yang disediakan.

Pendapat :
Peribahasa 1 :
Penjelasan Peribahasa 1 :

Peribahasa 2 :
Penjelasan Peribahasa 2 :

4. Pupils to complete assignment for reinforcement.
Buat lembaran kerja yang telah ditugaskan.

1) Click on the following website and view the video clip on Traditional Indian Games.
Click on 5A, Unit 1, Tamil

2) Discuss and answer the guiding questions with your classmates.
· Brainstorm on how these traditional games can be modified to attract today’s generation and keep it alive?

3) During the discussion, the teacher will enhance some of the pupils’ ideas.

4) Pupils will create a poster to attract the classmates to play one of the traditional game.

1 comment:

  1. hello classmates i havw already done my e learning
